tech entrepreneur

What is an Entrepreneur? A Complete Guide

Jun 15, 2018

People use the word ‘entrepreneur’ all the time. But what is an entrepreneur?

It’s often used without even thinking about what we mean.

Most people can agree that it has something to do with business and being innovative. But after that, it’s probably quite difficult to find any consensus.

If you want to find out more about what entrepreneurship is, check out our complete guide.

What is an Entrepreneur?

The word ‘entrepreneur’ is originally French.

It was first used by the economist, Jean-Baptiste Say in 1803. He chose to define entrepreneurial as someone who “shifts economic resources out of an area of lower and into an area of higher productivity and greater yield”.

But nowadays it’s often associated with the tech-savvy people in Silicon Valley. It retains its market disrupting origins though.

However, entrepreneurs are not exclusively from the tech industry. The modern-day entrepreneur wants to change the world and solve problems.

Most of the time this is through business, such as the invention of a new product that transforms our lives.

But what are the characteristics of someone who is entrepreneurial today?

What Does it Mean to Be an Entrepreneur?

Let’s take a look at some of the most important characteristics that contribute to making someone an entrepreneur.

1. Be Passionate About What They Do

Most entrepreneurs have a deep passion for what they do.

They believe in the power of business to transform the world. Rather than simply as a way to make money.

They wake up in the morning with fresh ideas and a drive to achieve their goals for the day.

2. Determination to Achieve

Many people assume that entrepreneurs are just lucky because everything always goes well for them. But many successful entrepreneurs underwent many challenges and problems along the way.

Obstacles are simply part of life. The important thing is how you react to events. You need to pull yourself up again and keep going. Entrepreneurs are determined when faced with anything.

3. Resourceful and Inventive

Most entrepreneurs start out with limited resources. It’s important to make the most of what you already have.

This means taking advantage of your network and connections. Make use of the skills and knowledge you already have while gaining new skills.

4. Open to New Ideas

Entrepreneurs often have amazing ideas. But it’s the ability to be open to another people’s ideas that really makes someone stand out. You have to be able to identify when someone has a better idea than you do.

Entrepreneurs can’t afford to get hung up on a particular idea. Instead, they recognize that there is a market of ideas out there, it’s important to select the best one.

5. Fast Learner

There are no two ways about it, entrepreneurs are smart people. They can learn things really fast.

Entrepreneurs learn as much as they can from the people around them. Their minds work like sponges, soaking all the information and wisdom up from the people around them.

Become an Entrepreneur

Now you know the answer to what is an entrepreneur?

It’s time to decide whether you think you’re cut out to be an entrepreneur? Do you identify with the above characteristics of entrepreneurship?

To find out more about entrepreneurship, check out our other blog posts on this topic and much more.

international speaker

How to Become a High-Paid International Speaker

Jun 8, 2018

Public speaking is the most common fear in the United States. However, If you’re the type who’s capable of speaking your mind without becoming overly stressed or embarrassed, then public speaking can be a great opportunity.

This is especially true if you have a great story to tell and a great way to tell it. Of course, there’s more to being an international speaker than that, and we’ll go into more detail below.

Find the Message

Before you can become a motivational speaker, you’ll have to look through the story you want to tell and find what it’s about. Sure, on some level you know what the story is about, but look deeper.

What messages are hidden there? What lessons can be learned from the story? Ideally, you’ll need to be able to boil this all down to one sentence and don’t just use an old adage. Come up with something original.

Finally, that lesson has to come with dedication. If you don’t firmly believe in what you’re saying, nobody else will, either.

Stay Positive

It doesn’t matter where you come from, whether you are an abuse survivor, a former drug addict, an ex-con, or a disabled veteran, you all have one thing in common–nobody wants to listen to you complain for an hour.

Sure, you’ve been through some horribly traumatic things, and your story is bound to be inspirational, but it’s all about the delivery. It’s perfectly fine to be somewhat dramatic, and you should definitely emphasize the importance of the issue you faced, but don’t take yourself too seriously.

Learn to laugh at things. Laughter may not be the best medicine, but it’s definitely the best therapy. Think back to a bad day, some of the worst days of your life even. You probably used humor to get through it or use humor now to keep from dwelling on it, or to help cope with it.

Start for Free

If you want to get into this business, you’ll have to offer your first speeches for free. This may seem counter-productive, but it’s necessary when you’re starting out.

Nobody is going to spend money on an unknown. It’s just a bad investment. They’ll gladly try out a speaker if it costs them nothing, and that’s how you get your foot in the door.

Once you’ve done a few free speeches, you can get reviews and testimonials from some of your clients, and that’s how you get a reputation for being a good speaker. That, ultimately, is what will make people willing to pay for you.

The Road to Becoming an International Speaker

Becoming an international speaker isn’t as complicated as it may seem. You essentially just need a good speech and message, and a good way to market them. You’ll need to start from the bottom, working as a volunteer, but soon people will begin to recognize you and vouch for you, and that’s where the paid gigs will start coming in.

If you want to learn more about how public speakers work or how to become a better one, please visit our site. If you want to hire an international speaker, and an awesome one at that, please consider Rafferty Pendery. We promise you won’t be disappointed.

rafferty pendery

So, Who Is Rafferty Pendery?

Jun 1, 2018

Rafferty Pendery is an impressive example of someone who has spread his message over the world and succeeded in business while doing it.

He is known for working in the website design, marketing, business development, and public speaking industries. He has a wide variety of business interests that we’ll discuss in this article.

Who is Rafferty Pendery?

We’ll go over some of Rafferty’s strong points, successes, and value in the business market. He is a successful entrepreneur that has a lot to offer in the way of vision, management, and business development.

How He Started

Rafferty did not start out in a wealthy family. His family instilled the values of dedication and effort that have carried with him throughout his life.

He started his career with the idea of creating a skateboarding clothing company. At the age of 11, he coordinated a designer and printer, selling 100 shirts at 25 dollars a piece.

His first business venture was a success, and he later went on to school and enter the business world. His interest in a clothing company carried into his adult life, and he soon realized that he needed to create a website to push his business.

He created the company Studio98 while he was learning to create his own website. This company now works in the web design and business development realm.

He focused on building an organization rather than working for himself. Realizing that the most intelligent thing to do in business is to work collaboratively, he utilized the fact that there are talented individuals out there willing and ready to produce great work.

Many entrepreneurs have the idea that their work is simply their own. Turning over responsibilities to others is integral to business growth. There comes a point when an individual can only do so much, and their responsibilities begin to bottleneck.


Rafferty has earned a position at the top of his own organization with staff, designers, and developers working under him.

He has the honor of speaking with business owners around the world. His ideas of vision and business management have inspired numerous business owners to change their thinking of how to operate a business.

His branding work has benefited numerous big-name companies. Time Warner, Humana, Red Bull, and NASA are just a few of those names.

What He Does For Business Owners

The primary benefit that Rafferty Pendery gives business owners is insight into his vision. He promotes the idea that there is an art to envisioning, beginning, and diversifying a business. Heuristics on division of labor, brand management, and progress are just a few of the things that his lectures offer.

For example, most people don’t recognize that growth requires a business owner to adjust their previous ideas. Things like training, branding, and organization require consistent refinement as a business develops new needs and protocol.

As something like training becomes more streamlined, business owners find themselves with more free time to move forward in their personal lives.

It’s an exhilarating, confusing feeling to be comfortable with the fact that your business has been built in a way that allows it to function on its own, under the thumb of your employees.

This allows the owner to direct attention to new, further reaches of their business’ potential.

Find Out What Rafferty Has to Offer

This article scratches the surface, but there is a lot more that Rafferty Pendery has to offer. There is a lot to learn by exploring the web and doing a little more research on his business coaching and international speaking.

If you’re interested in Rafferty’s work or would like to get in touch with him, check out his site and reach out.