5 Ways For Entrepreneurs to Successfully Build An Online Business

Aug 18, 2020

Starting an online business from the ground up can be a daunting task. Online Entrepreneurs need to be extremely dedicated to their niche and research every piece of information possible. Becoming an entrepreneur takes a great deal of time and dedication, as only around 15 million American entrepreneurs are self-employed, however, numbers show an increase in digital entrepreneurs nationwide. Here are some tips for entrepreneurs aspiring to create a successful online business.

5 Ways For Entrepreneurs to Successfully Build An Online Business

Choose A Profitable Niche

Choosing a profitable niche is crucial in the world of online marketing. Before choosing a niche, carefully research the subject and educate yourself on which affiliate products are available, and what the current EPMV is for on site ads regarding the niche in question.

Educate Yourself About Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is one of the most crucial aspects of becoming successful in any online business. SEO is the process of optimizing your website for search engines such as Google. This is important because the better your SEO knowledge, the greater chance your website will have high search engine rankings, therefore driving more traffic to your site

Know WordPress Like The Back of Your Hand

WordPress is one of the most popular interfaces for creating and editing websites, as its versatility is unmatched by any of its competitors. WordPress is a versatile, open-source software, with various themes and plugins to further optimize your website until it suits the needs of your business.

Content Is Your Friend

There is a saying in the world of online businesses, “content is king”, and this couldn’t be more true. Website content is the sole driver of traffic to your website or blog, as more content equals more visitors to your site. Quality SEO optimized content is the key to success in any online business and is sure to provide high conversions for your blog. Many entrepreneurs, such as Raffy Pendery, start entrepreneur blogs, providing quality content for aspiring entrepreneurs worldwide.

Avoiding Entrepreneur Mistakes

Throughout your journey as an entrepreneur, it is critical that you avoid some common mistakes. Some of the most prominent mistakes online entrepreneurs encounter is not writing enough content. In order to increase traffic on your blog, it is crucial to post content multiple times daily, whether it is written yourself or through a writing service. Search engines, such as Google, also prefer to see posts often, as it displays to the algorithm that your online business is a reputable, up-to-date source of information.

Another common mistake made by the digital entrepreneur is a lack of long-form content. Long-form content is usually content in excess of 1,200 words, and is oftentimes the backbone of your website, as these posts usually receive the most traffic. These posts take longer to write and are more in-depth than short-form content. Various examples of long-form content are available on the blog curated by entrepreneur Raffy Pendery.

Entering the world of digital entrepreneurship can be daunting, however, with the tools provided by Raffy Pendery, and his expertise on the subject, online marketing will soon become clear, and you will be headed towards success in all endeavors.

Become a Better Business Owner by Learning How to Effectively Speak in Public

Aug 11, 2020

Are you nervous or afraid to speak in public? Nearly 58% to 64% of lawyers are introverts and have high anxiety in regard to speaking publicly. The same goes for many business owners, they have a fear of speaking in public. Many business owners may find that they need to present a positive image to prospective customers.

Consumers want to know who they are paying for products and services too. It takes a certain set of skills to understand how to relate to people and speak in public successfully. In fact, common entrepreneur mistakes start with not understanding how to better market themselves via public speaking within the United States and internationally.

Rafferty Pendery is an international speaker capable of assisting your business. His solutions when it comes to public speaking help you better market your business and create a positive presence online and offline. In fact, using advice and entrepreneur tips from Rafferty Pendery is perfect for avoiding entrepreneur mistakes that could otherwise set your business back a step or two. While there are many things to learn from Rafferty Pendery, learning how to become a confident public speaker truly benefits your business as a top perk.

Rafferty Pendery Points Out How Public Speaking Benefits Business Owners

Whether you are expected to speak in public in the United States or become an international public speaker, there are a few reasons public speaking helps businesses. Who better to speak about your business to the public than you? Speaking in public simply builds your reputation as an authority and expert in your organization’s industry. It assists in boosting your reputation among potential clients and customers. You are also essentially building your brand. The more you speak publicly, the more the name of your business is expressed locally and internationally. Building awareness for your organization is always a good move.

Being able to speak in public also enhances confidence as well as sales skills. You need more than just salespeople to promote your company. The business owner plays an integral aspect in selling products and services to consumers around the world. Do you find that you aren’t comfortable engaging, selling, or speaking with others? Rafferty Pendery offers the assistance you want when it comes to learning how to speak in public.

Practice Makes Perfect

When it comes to speaking in public, one of the best things you can do is practice. Practice speaking in public locally and work your way up to state-wide, out of state, and then out of the country. This is an aspect that tends to be ignored. The more you speak in public, no matter where it is, the better your skills are going to become. It also helps when it comes to defeating speech anxiety. Make as many public speeches as you can closer to home in order to fully tackle speech anxiety on an international level.

Become Prepared to Speak Internationally

A huge mistake a lot of business owners make is not considering how important it is to speak internationally. International speaking may not even be a goal for some business owners, but it should at least be a long-term goal. Do you want to miss out on any opportunity to expand and grow your business? Keep in mind that you will want to start learning everything you can about speaking in public internationally. Learn from people who have already helped other business owners when it comes to obtaining the necessary skills for public speaking.

Do you fully know the foreign language you need to be able to understand and speak for the country you are going to visit? Marketing your business internationally requires that you practice the language for the country you are going to visit. Learn basic words and phrases then work your way up. Knowing the local language will help you better navigate the area and connect more with people. The more you’re able to fluently speak a foreign language, the more sought after you will become, as an international speaker.

tech entrepreneur

4 Public Speaking Skills Every Entrepreneur Needs

Aug 11, 2020

Did you know that people who have a fear of public speaking make an average of 10% less than those who don’t? Well, if you’re a tech entrepreneur, you might not think that matters. However, a tech entrepreneur, or any entrepreneur for that matter, can lose money as well if they aren’t good public speakers. And, there is a certain set of public speaking skills that every entrepreneur should have. Here’s what they are and why it matters.

tech entrepreneur

Offer Useful Information


Many tech entrepreneurs will inevitably find that public speaking is an important step to gain investors and customers. Offering your audience useful information, rather than a running advertisement for your business, is one of the most important skills. A prospective investor or customer wants to know how they can benefit from your product or company. Give them that useful information or entrepreneur tips in a clear and simple way that proves they want your product or services. Otherwise, they might just tune you out.


Ability to Shock


Sometimes it can be difficult to reach an audience, especially during a presentation. Rather than bore them with graphs and charts, do something different—something that no one will expect. Use music, visuals, personal stories, tips for entrepreneurs, or even entrepreneur mistakes you’ve made to get their attention. In fact, one study shows that an effective presentation is 55% nonverbal communication, 38% your voice, and only 7% your content.


Be Inspiring


It may seem like an obvious skill for any public speaker to possess, but you need to be inspiring in order to reach people. If you’re a tech entrepreneur, your audience may be inspired by your success and want to know how to replicate it. Tell your success story in a way that others can understand and can apply to their own situations.


Respect the Audience


No one wants to listen to or watch a long, drawn-out presentation. Be sure to respect your audience and keep your speech a reasonable length. You shouldn’t go on longer than your allotted time, and make sure to show up early enough to set up in advance. You’ll want to make clear at the beginning of your presentation what you will be covering. You will also need to allow time for questions and answers.


You might not realize the importance of public speaking if you’re an entrepreneur; however, if you ever need to give a presentation, keep these four simple skills in mind. You will be able to deliver your message more succinctly and possibly leave a lasting impression on your audience.

common entrepreneur mistakes

Why Most Business Startups Don’t Live Past Their First Year

Aug 7, 2020

An estimated 22.5% of small businesses do not go past their first year of operation. Why is the entrepreneurial journey quite difficult for first-time entrepreneurs?


Well, one of the most significant aspects of starting a business is having a plan and staying committed to it. For first-time entrepreneurs, it might not be an easy journey, but with resilience and the right knowledge, you will succeed. Below are some of the common entrepreneur mistakes you must avoid.

common entrepreneur mistakes

Lack of Proper Preparation


Even the best marathon runners the world has seen will attest to the fact that their race begins months before the actual competition. The same case will apply when starting a new venture. The first step before opening any business should be getting equipped with the requisite skills and entrepreneur tips.


Starting a business takes more than just money. Embrace focus, concentration, hard work, and dedication, the rest will be history. Consequently, you will need to seek tech entrepreneur advice from experts in the field.


Unreasonable Goals


Starting a business and setting goals go hand-in-hand. One of the common entrepreneur mistakes associated with startups is setting unrealistic goals. Although failure is sometimes inevitable, your businesses should not be failing all the time.


Your business goals must be realistic, attainable, and within reach. Develop a set of short-term and long-term goals, and they should be specific. First-time entrepreneurs can sometimes be carried away by the idea of aiming higher and forget about specific business short-term goals. Avoid impractical goals since they are likely to leave you with a sense of failure.


Little Knowledge about the Industry


Understanding your industry goes beyond the basic market research. Succeeding as a tech entrepreneur will need you to work in the tech industry for some time and learn the basics of the sector.


Assuming you know everything just because you have the resources is among the common entrepreneur mistakes you should avoid. If you have a great business idea, begin by getting a job in the sector or else you will be in for a rude shock. Being a successful tech entrepreneur is a long process, but each stage comes with new experiences that increase your knowledge in business.


Doing It All Yourself


Becoming a successful digital entrepreneur will take more than personal effort. When starting a business, there is the notion that no one can do the job better than you. For sure, no one understands your products better than you do, but doing it all by yourself may not work.


Besides being a recipe for burnout, this approach affects the progress of your new venture. Get a business mentor and let them guide you on the best practices for your new investment. Finding a business partner should, however, be approached with caution.


When the business is still new, the operations are minimal, and you have the energy to do them all. As time elapses, your startup grows, and the number of operations expands. In such instances, you must be ready to delegate some of your responsibilities as you focus on the management aspect of your business.


Doing Too Much At Once


The early stages of a business are filled with ambition, which can sometimes be misleading. While successful entrepreneurs are diverse and versatile, startups will need a different way of doing things. Focusing on many things at once is among the common entrepreneur mistakes you should avoid.


Figure out what you are best at and base your venture on it. It would be better to focus on a single aspect and grow than focus on many and fail in all.


Ignoring Relationship Building


One of the most common entrepreneur mistakes you are likely to make is ignoring your customer base and focusing on sales instead. While this approach will work for you, it will be a matter of time before customers start questioning your ways.


Take time and respond to individual customer queries, be it in social media or directly. After all, you are a tech entrepreneur, and the essence of communication cannot be emphasized enough.


Final Word


Mistakes are sometimes inevitable in the life of an entrepreneur. As a budding entrepreneur, never be afraid of failure as it is part of the process. Contact us today to learn more about startups and entrepreneurship.