Did you know that people who have a fear of public speaking make an average of 10% less than those who don’t? Well, if you’re a tech entrepreneur, you might not think that matters. However, a tech entrepreneur, or any entrepreneur for that matter, can lose money as well if they aren’t good public speakers. And, there is a certain set of public speaking skills that every entrepreneur should have. Here’s what they are and why it matters.

tech entrepreneur

Offer Useful Information


Many tech entrepreneurs will inevitably find that public speaking is an important step to gain investors and customers. Offering your audience useful information, rather than a running advertisement for your business, is one of the most important skills. A prospective investor or customer wants to know how they can benefit from your product or company. Give them that useful information or entrepreneur tips in a clear and simple way that proves they want your product or services. Otherwise, they might just tune you out.


Ability to Shock


Sometimes it can be difficult to reach an audience, especially during a presentation. Rather than bore them with graphs and charts, do something different—something that no one will expect. Use music, visuals, personal stories, tips for entrepreneurs, or even entrepreneur mistakes you’ve made to get their attention. In fact, one study shows that an effective presentation is 55% nonverbal communication, 38% your voice, and only 7% your content.


Be Inspiring


It may seem like an obvious skill for any public speaker to possess, but you need to be inspiring in order to reach people. If you’re a tech entrepreneur, your audience may be inspired by your success and want to know how to replicate it. Tell your success story in a way that others can understand and can apply to their own situations.


Respect the Audience


No one wants to listen to or watch a long, drawn-out presentation. Be sure to respect your audience and keep your speech a reasonable length. You shouldn’t go on longer than your allotted time, and make sure to show up early enough to set up in advance. You’ll want to make clear at the beginning of your presentation what you will be covering. You will also need to allow time for questions and answers.


You might not realize the importance of public speaking if you’re an entrepreneur; however, if you ever need to give a presentation, keep these four simple skills in mind. You will be able to deliver your message more succinctly and possibly leave a lasting impression on your audience.