International speaker

How to Become an International Speaker (Even if You’re Afraid of Public Speaking)

Feb 11, 2019

If you’re terrified of public speaking, you aren’t alone. For many people just the thought of getting up in front of a crowd causes anxiety. 

In fact, fear of public speaking is regarded as the number one biggest fear in the United States. Heights, bugs, and drowning are no match for the fear many people have when it comes to public speaking. 

But it is possible to overcome your fear of public speaker and become a great international speaker. Too many people believe they are just not cut out for public speaking so give up trying. 

The truth is, you can be afraid and still succeed. Here’s how to perfect the craft of public speaking. 

Shake Hands With The Fear 

First things first: It’s natural to be afraid of public speaking. Many people generate more fear and anxiety by judging their feelings and trying to stuff them. 

But since many people fear public speaking, it is not abnormal to be afraid. As Nelson Mandella said, “The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”

Allow yourself to be afraid, acknowledge those feelings, and move on. The first step in overcoming the fear of public speaking is actually giving yourself permission to be afraid. 

Get In Touch With Your Body 

Have you ever rehearsed a presentation over and over again and mastered the material? Sometimes it seems the more you practice, the more you generate the fear of public speaking.

What’s even worse is that it doesn’t work. The great international speaker doesn’t get that way by rote memorization. 

Instead, practice your body language. How does your body feel and respond when you are relaxed? 

If you can practice your posture, your gestures, your walking and talking style you are well on your way to becoming a better speaker. 

The secret is in practicing how you say things, not just what you say. 

Practice How You Feel 

You want to be a better speaker and overcome your fear. But do you know where and how you feel fear in your body when you speak?

Just as important: Do you know how you would feel without that fear? And how would your body feel if you were giving a great and engaging presentation

Just as practicing your body language is important, so is practicing your feelings. Meditating on the feelings you would have while giving a great talk are as important as focusing on content. 

Practice Makes Perfect for The International Speaker 

If you are scared to death of public speaking it is something you probably avoid at all costs. But part of overcoming the fear of speaking is practicing. 

You will find the results are different and you are a better international speaker if you work on the above recommendations. 

Rather than running from the chance to give a talk, it is time to run toward the opportunity. 

Start locally and move internationally. Find out more now about how to become more comfortable with public speaking. 

Tech Entrepreneur

How to Find Your Niche in Tech: A Guide for an Aspiring Tech Entreprenuer

Feb 4, 2019

Are you the next great tech entrepreneur?

The road to riches is paved with the failures of those that came before you. Most aspiring tech ventures fizzle out before they can get off the ground. There’s more than one reason for this but one of the hardest things to do when you’re starting out is carving out your niche.

Do something that’s never been done. Find your corner of the market. Is anything original anymore? 

This is more than a daunting thought. Coming up with an original idea and pushing it forward with a good plan of action is one of the hardest things to do. It requires dedication, creativity, and a good team of people around you.

The book on how to succeed in business has been rewritten many times. There’s no definitive “right” way to thrive in tech, but today, we’ll look at a basic guide for finding your niche as a tech entrepreneur.

Be Realistic About Your Passion vs. Your Skills

Sometimes the difference between what we want to do and what we can do is vast. It’s important to follow your passion when finding your niche, but you should also be realistic about the market for your product.

This is especially true with tech projects. You need to be able to see yourself still being in love with your product for years to come, but also you have to be able to envision sustained success. Not every startup gets off the ground quickly.

Furthermore, do some self-evaluation. Realistically examine your skills and figure out if you have what it takes to build this product from the ground up.

Find the Market for Your Niche

When you’ve decided what you think you can build your fortune on, take a step back and look at what its market will be. For example, say you want to create an online marketplace for the sale of car parts. 

If this is what you’re passionate about, then follow through on some research and figure out where your market is. Who are the types of people that you want to be using your product? How much money will they be willing to spend on it? 

You need to get an idea of the sustainability of your niche.

You’re Not the Only Tech Entrepreneur

There are thousands of new tech companies popping up all the time, and old tech companies are constantly adjusting to encompass more of the marketplace. In finding your niche, you should zero in on the most specific target market that you possibly can.

If you’re creating a podcast hosting app, consider that things like Stitcher and Podcast Addict already exist. You’re starting behind the 8-ball, so you need to focus in even more on what that app will do.

Perhaps when you sign up, the app asks you what your interests are and sifts through a database of podcasts to show the user ones they’d be interested in. Doing something like this gives your app a subtle edge over the competition.

Test Runs & Launching

Now that you’ve figured out what your niche is, you can begin to test the market.

Do a dry launch and see what the reactions are. Adjust your product from there. A good tech entrepreneur will reinvent their niche to appeal to larger and larger audiences.

For more articles on tech and entrepreneurship, visit our blog.

The digital entrepreneur

How to Be a Better Public Speaker: A Guide for the Digital Entrepreneur

Feb 4, 2019

Around 73% of the population is terrified of public speaking. Whether for school projects or a work presentation, many people clam up even thinking about talking in front of others.

Are you one of these people?

Even if you have a slight fear of public speaking, you might have a message you feel destined to share with others. Believe in yourself, because it is possible to surpass these fears.

Ready to take your public speaking skills to the next level? Want to become the digital entrepreneur everyone raves about? Keep reading this guide for five tips you need to know!

1. Accept Your Nerves

Step one is to accept the fact that you will be nervous before and during a public talk. Even seasoned speakers get a little nervous.

By acknowledging that these feelings are normal and okay to have, you decrease the power they have over you.

To help you speak through your nerves, be sure to practice a few times. Arrive at the location early so you can get used to your environment.

2. Keep Main Messages Simple

As someone with a lot of knowledge, it can be tempting to pack in everything you know into one talk. Plan each talk you give to contain a few focused message points.

Too many details will bore an audience. But if you present impactful and meaningful messages that they can remember, people will love your talks.

As you find success, you may even be able to take your speeches international!

3. Prepare as the Digital Entrepreneur

As mentioned above, preparation is key. And that doesn’t mean the day before.

To nail a speaking engagement, start thinking about your speech at least a few weeks ahead of time. Understand who your audience is. Things that young college students find interesting won’t go as well with older business owners.

One of the most important things to prepare is an introduction. You want to grab people’s attention and get them excited for what you have to say.

Just as important as an introduction, be sure to prepare an impactful conclusion.

4. Be Careful with Powerpoint and Other Visuals

You aren’t a professor giving a lecture to students. Don’t kill your audience with busy powerpoints filled with text.

If you are going to use slides at all, make them minimal. Use appealing images that add value to what you as the presenter are saying. You should be the focal point, not a slide with a bunch of information on it.

It’s also important to remember that you run the risk of technology issues when using visuals like Powerpoint.

5. Create an Outline

Notice we said outline, not a script. Creating just an outline ensures you will sound natural while giving your talk.

If you just read an entire speech from a script, you will seem robotic and have poor eye contact. The audience will immediately be turned off.

Let Your Voice Be Heard

With these tips, you are well on your way to becoming a better public speaker. Soon you will be the digital entrepreneur everyone wants to hear!

Looking for more tips on being a successful digital entrepreneur? Check out this awesome list!

Entrepreneur tips

Ready to Grow Your Team? 5 Entrepreneur Tips for Hiring

Jan 28, 2019

Whether you’ve been doing it all yourself or it’s just time to add one more, hiring a new employee can be stressful. One-person operations can only go so long before you reach a limit. If you want to grow and prosper, you need another person.

These entrepreneur tips can help you decide the best person for the job no matter if it’s retail work or behind the scenes social media marketing. You’ll likely get numerous applicants, but how can you read between the lines of a resume and know who’ll be the best person to not only fit the job but your management style and business sense.

Don’t Trust Resumes 100 Percent

If you get a potential employee whose resume looks too good to be true, then it probably is. A little resume padding is expected but beware of outright lies. When a person is unemployed and not getting income, they may be desperate for a job and be willing to put anything down if it feels it might get them an interview.

Don’t hesitate to follow up with former employers to verify employment dates, etc. Many employers didn’t do this and ended up with an employee that didn’t have the qualifications they said. Your choices are to train them or begin the hiring process all over again.

Entrepreneur Tips: Know What You Can Ask

It can be difficult for a small business hiring employees. You have a set way of doing things and you want someone you can trust. It’s your company and you’ve put your heart and soul into it.

When you’re interviewing, there are some topics that are off limits because it might lead to discrimination. You can’t not hire a person because of their age, religion, sexual orientation, etc.

When it comes to mental, physical and emotional disabilities, questions can only be asked pertaining to any special accommodations needed to do the work.

If you do ask questions that may lead to the possibility of discrimination, then you can open yourself to a civil lawsuit.

Don’t Hesitate for Drug Testing

If the job requires the use of special machinery or company vehicles, then don’t hesitate to require drug testing as part of the hiring requirements. The reason is safety.

A person under the influence can’t operate machinery safely and can end up causing injury to themselves, customers or you. Even in states where marijuana is legal, businesses don’t have to allow it in their employee’s system.

Get Your Paperwork Done

A business can’t just hire an employee. The state and federal government require businesses with employees to have an Employer Identification number, be registered with the labor department, have workman’s compensation insurance and many other hoops to go through.

You can’t legally hire an employee without having this done, so make sure in compliance before getting a new employee.

Decide How Wide A Net to Spread

If you’re looking for someone local, then post notices in newspapers and local job boards. If you do use larger job boards like Indeed, then make sure applicants know you’re looking for regional people only.

If you are willing to hire people from outside the area, are you willing to cover moving expenses? Do you plan on providing health insurance or a 401k plan? Is it part time or full time? Make sure you list your business benefits and perks

These are all questions you need to answer before placing the job opening. You don’t want to be inundated with resumes from all over the country if you’re only looking for people in town.

It’s a Necessary Step

If your business is to grow, then you need employees. It starts with one and others will follow. If you follow these entrepreneur tips, then the hiring process should go smoothly.

We’re sure you’ll find the perfect candidate for your business. If you want to learn more about hiring employees or being an entrepreneur, then explore our website.

tech entrepreneur

Skip Networking and Make Real Connections: 5 Places Where a Tech Entrepreneur Can Meet Liked-Minded People

Jan 17, 2019

Making connections with other tech entrepreneurs can benefit by providing you with new business perspectives and a wide range of contacts which can help your business grow.

Making connections online or in person is a very salient investment in the business world. It is a very critical step for both of your own personal growth and the growth of your business.

Why Should You Connect with Other Tech Entrepreneurs?

Multi Leverage Marketing (MLM) poses a great opportunity for growth as an entrepreneur. It has been used to benefit those at the top of the pyramid.

This famous business strategy is being utilized by huge and even medium scale businesses to promote and make lifetime consumers of their products. It is a strategic way to invite more people to be the company’s consumers and distributor at the same time.

Pairing bonuses are given to the member of the organization if they have invited other people to be part of their growing organization’s pyramid structure.

As promising as it may seem, networking types of business don’t stay in the business through real connections. You can also gain exposure, gather some business insights and explore free mentoring opportunities.

Take advantage of the situation and the contacts you’ve made. Build rapport with them at your meet up event and help your business grow. Don’t hesitate to initiate a friendly conversation with your fellow tech entrepreneurs.

Making connections with other tech entrepreneurs can benefit by providing you with new business perspectives and a wide range of contacts which can help your business grow. Making connections online or in person is a very salient investment in the business world. It is a very critical step for both of your own personal growth and the growth of your business.

Where You Should Be Looking For Connections?

Among other social networks which you can use to make real connections, Twitter gives you full access to real-time action. Your Twitter feed provides current news and information across every industry.

It can also help introduce you to persons who may be in your field. Reach out to these like-minded individuals and forge connections by adding value. The most important question to answer when networking is, “What do they want from this?”. 

Remember to use your personal connections. Ask them if they know anyone who might give you insight into your business development and growth.

They might give you contacts of possible customers or even recommend a business adviser. This can offer valuable insights into how you can grow your business.

Organize or Attend Local Meet-Ups

Organize one local event where you can gather your friends (and their friends). As the event organizer, you can capitalize on your position as host. Where can you find new friends to populate your event?

Look for like-minded individuals and make connections through entrepreneurial organizations. Examples of these include the Entrepreneurs’ Organization, Young Entrepreneur Council, FoundersCard, Social Enterprise Alliance, and the United States Association Small Business and Entrepreneurship.

These organizations provide you a great avenue to have a great network for your business through real connections. You can also gain exposure, gather some business insights and explore free mentoring opportunities.

Take advantage of the situation and the contacts you’ve made. Build rapport with them at your meet up event and help your business grow. Don’t hesitate to initiate a friendly conversation with your fellow tech entrepreneurs

More for the Tech Entrepreneur 

It’s a breath of fresh air to be away from your regular workplace sometimes and have a little yet meaningful conversation. A healthy exchange of ideas with a fellow tech entrepreneur might give you all the answers you’re looking for.

For more insight into the world of tech, visit our website for more.

tech entrepreneur

A Match Made in Tech: How to Become a Tech Entrepreneur and Find a Business Partner

Jan 17, 2019

Most people begin to realize how difficult starting a business can be not too long after they’ve begun building. At times, it seems as if it might be a lot for one person to handle. Because of this, most entrepreneurs find partners to help them along the way.

However, finding a partnership isn’t as always as cut-and-dry as it sounds. There are specific factors to consider if you want to find the right partner that will enhance your business ideas and collaborate with you. Keep reading below if you are a tech entrepreneur who would like to find the perfect person for a business partnership.

Find Someone With Skills You Don’t Have

Here’s the thing, when you’re a tech entrepreneur there are some things you will not want to handle, and that’s okay. You may want to look for a partner who has the skills and qualities you either don’t possess or prefer not to learn.

For example, search for someone who will take on the more creative aspects of the business if you love coding and developing websites but don’t want to do any of the graphic designing or copywriting. No one will want to do everything, so find someone who compliments the capabilities you already have.

Make Sure Your Partner Shares Your Values and Vision

One of the most important keys to starting a business with a partner and reaching success together is to be on the same page. You have very big dreams and goals if you are a tech entrepreneur. You should want to connect with someone who shares those same goals.

It’s not a huge deal if you and your partner don’t agree on tiny details that you can meet in the middle to resolve. It’s a completely different story if you both don’t share the same overall vision for the end goal of big decisions. It could also help out to build a genuine personal relationship if you both have a lot in common.

Choose a Person With Financial Stability

Any tech entrepreneur can tell you that you need a good amount of funds to start a business. It would lighten the load if both of you contribute to the project until you establish consistent cash flow and build profit in the business.

Not only do you need to put money into the business but you need to manage the money well too. Ask the right questions to avoid working with someone who has a lot of financial issues in their own life. You should look for someone who is financially stable and responsible to help with funding the business.

Are You a Tech Entrepreneur Needing More Help With Finding a Business Partner?

You may not be able to find the right person overnight to partner with but putting a good amount of effort into the search will pay off in the long run. Remember, the partnership is something close to a marriage. You’ll want to find a tech entrepreneur partner who can help bring the best out of you and vice versa.

Stay committed to giving your business the highest quality of team building you can possibly give. If you’d like more tips on success in different areas of business then consider checking out our blog or more help with discovering how to become a tech entrepreneur.

entrepreneur tips

Entrepreneur Tips: 5 Tips for Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Seeing Your Worth

Jan 10, 2019

The founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, doubled his net worth to almost 160 billion dollars in the 12 months of 2018. At the pinnacle of his success, Jeff continues to work hard and double down on his investments.

That’s the kind of dedication that leads to becoming one of the richest men in the world

With the likes of Jeff Bezos out there, it can be a little intimidating to believe in your own abilities. But there is no other you in the world and your ideas hold an immense amount of value.

The entrepreneur tips on this list will help you to see that value and help you get ready to build your empire and give Jeff Bezos a run for his money.

1. Cut Back on Social Media

One reason that many people believe they aren’t good enough is that they are constantly comparing themselves to others on social media. If you are following a lot of people who seem to be thriving, it can be intimidating if you aren’t keeping up with their success.

But you have to remember everyone is on their own journey. You will get to your destination on your own time through your own hard work and experiences.

You also should remember that people don’t post about their worst moments on social media (usually). They are constantly filtering their lives through rose-colored glasses. You never know what’s really going on.

2. Read, A LOT

The best way to defeat the imposter feeling is by fortifying your knowledge with additional information. Read everything that you can get your hands on. 

The more that you educate yourself, the more tools you will have to rely on as an entrepreneur. If you don’t have much time to read books, consider picking up a book on tape or podcast for a similar effect.

3. Network and Grow With Others

Whether you want to become an international speaker or just start a small business on your block, you need to learn how to expand your network. You need to find other entrepreneurs that can grow alongside you and help you overcome challenges as your business develops.

By having a team of prosperous people surrounding you and cheering you on, you will have access to a pool of resources and strength to fortify your efforts.

4. Dive in Deep with SMART Goals

One way to cure your imposter syndrome is by being successful. But many people who are doing well still feel like they are faking it.

That’s why it’s important for you to set goals for yourself that are measurable and attainable (so-called SMART goals). The more goals that you knock off your list, the better you will feel about your abilities.

5. Make a Commitment to Yourself

Being successful isn’t about winning in the first round you try. It’s about coming back every day full of energy and ready to attain your goals.

The only way you are going to fail is if you stop trying, or die. Make a commitment to yourself to keep going no matter what.

More Entrepreneur Tips

Now that you have read these entrepreneur tips, you know what steps you need to take to stop feeling like an imposter.

Check out the rest of my blog posts today for more advice on your journey.

tech entrepreneur

5 Tech Entrepreneur Workplace Trends We’re Excited About in 2019

Jan 8, 2019

2018 is officially dead.

With each passing year, new trends in tech pass as well. Today’s tech entrepreneur has to keep up with these things in order to keep morale high at the office or lack thereof.

It can be hard to predict what’s coming next. What will an employee require as the traditional office environment deteriorates along with most of the norms of doing business? It’s impossible to tell but for a promising tech entrepreneur, it should be an exciting experiment.

Let’s try to look ahead and predict some of the tech entrepreneur workplace trends in 2019.

Cubicles Are Over

Something that your average tech entrepreneur might notice in 2019 is that work can happen anywhere. With the increasing emphasis on work-life balance and the desire within people to work remotely, we will see companies attempt to make the office a more welcoming environment.

The cubicle environment of old is dead, and the office will become a place where people convene to iron out kinks. This means big, open spaces housing long tables and a barrier-free environment where people from all departments can connect for a more cohesive atmosphere.

Think the newsroom in “All the President’s Men” but without all the landline noise and cigarette smoke.

Sobering Up

Offering better food and drink options will come to the forefront of tech office culture. Entrepreneurs will see the value of a happy, healthy employee, and that includes in-house workout facilities and programs, as well as healthy snacks. 

Bye, bye beer Friday’s. Sadly, pizza and beer meetings might be a thing of the past, but they will go out in favor of salad bowls and smoothies. Not so bad. 

In the future, expect to see things like afternoon yoga or meditation retreats and workout classes to build morale in the connected world, maybe even work or life-coaching seminars to prevent stagnancy in the office. “Oh hey, that’s Jane from spin class. I didn’t know she was on the dev team.” 

Disconnecting: Work/Life Balance

Now that it’s 2019 and there isn’t really such thing as “disconnecting” anymore. Tech entrepreneurs may attempt to encourage employees to leave their phones at the office to facilitate that work-life balance discussed earlier.

More and more people are never actually leaving their work at work when they go home at night. Their work emails are in their pocket and receive the same notification ping that their mom’s text message does. “Well, I’ve got my phone out, might as well answer this email.”

Through the Looking Glass

Employees are becoming more and more outspoken with resources like Indeed and Glassdoor, where employees can rate their experience at a company for the benefit of those looking for employment.

Tech entrepreneurs will have to be increasingly mindful of their reputation on these websites. If an employee wants a raise and you don’t oblige, you may be looking at a slanderous review online, which could hurt your chances of getting quality employees in the future.


Again, with the trend in work-life balance, we might also see the rise of “gig-economy“. Gen-Z workers are coming into the workforce expecting a progressive outlook, and they will be more likely to hire themselves out for specific tasks rather than tie themselves down to a company. 

This “gig-economy” has mutual benefits for the worker and the business. For the employee, they get to work on tasks that they are good at, get paid for the contract, and move on. For the employer, you pay for a completed task and don’t have to cover a worker with benefits.

Have Fun With It, Tech Entrepreneur

It’s time to let go of all the boring office norms of the past and bask in the creative and good-natured future. 

In this case, change shouldn’t be a frightening prospect, but an exciting one. And being at the forefront of office culture change is what will make you a good tech entrepreneur. Visit our blog for more entries on how to become a tech entrepreneur and take your business into the future.

tech entrepreneur

The Big Comeback: How To Start A Business After Experiencing Professional Failure

Dec 21, 2018

They say that 9 out of 10 new companies fail within the first couple of years of being in business. While most business owners want to believe they are the 1% who won’t fail, they must take the proper precautions just in case they do.

Is it possible to bounce back after experiencing business failure? Let be honest, it’s probably going to be a difficult task.

Fortunately, there are thousands of failed entrepreneurs that had to start over after their first business flunked.

If you have experienced a professional failure in the past, here’s how to start a business and recover from it all.

1. Evaluate Where You Went Wrong

One of the first tips every entrepreneur should take when learning how to start a business after you’ve failed is to evaluate where you went wrong the first time.

There are so many lessons that need be learned in order to run a successful business. Between money management and marketing — retracing your steps will help avoid failed entrepreneurship in the future.

2. Figure Out Finances

As tempting as it might be, you’re not able to “wing it” when it comes to the finances in your business. 

This time around, make sure you that your return on investment supersedes your expenditures. Also, verify that you’re spending well below your means and saving for the slow months.

3. Reinvent Your Brand

We’ve all heard of the phrase “If it not broken don’t fix it.” But what do we do if we realize our brand is broken?

One of the first lessons you should embrace when learning how to start a business is figuring out ways to always reinvent yourself. If your old tactics aren’t working, figure out different ways to bring fresh innovative content to your site and business.

4. Accept Past Failure

Overcoming the discouragement that comes with failure can be one of the most difficult tasks. After you’ve invested so much time and effort in your business, bouncing back can be hard. 

Accept your past failure. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Find comfort in those you love and remember that discovering yourself outside of your business is sometimes a necessity.

5. Rebuilding Your Inner Circle

It’s easy to isolate yourself when you’re constructing your own business. Because it usually requires long hours, many business owners find themselves very lonely and disconnected from their circle of encouragement. That includes family and friends.

Learn How to Start a Business and More!

Whether you’re looking to learn more about how to start a business or simply want to grow your own business, we’re here to help.

Rafferty Pendery was founded over 10 years ago and since then, we’ve strived to become one of the primary platforms for business owners trying to grow their company.

Have questions? Want to collaborate? Feel free to contact us and a member of our team will be more than happy to reach out to you.

international speaker

Listen Up: How You, Too, Can Become An International Speaker

Dec 14, 2018

Are you considering turning your knowledge and expertise into paid speaking engagements?

If you’re passionate about sharing what you know, public speaking may be your calling.

But how do you get started? How do you get paid to speak at events around the world?

That’s the subject of today’s blog, as we examine the exact steps you need to take to become a professional international speaker.

Step 1: Start With the Message

If you want to be in demand around the world, your message needs to appeal to people everywhere. People attend speaking engagements to connect to the speaker and the message and to learn something applicable to their lives. To that end, your message must resonate with people of all cultures.

Your message also needs to be about something so important to you that you feel you must share it. Feeling strong about getting your message out is what’s going to carry you through those long travel days and extended periods away from home.

Simplify Your Message to a System or Story

Here’s a reality of public speaking in the 21st century. Audiences have short attention spans and if you lose them, you may look out and find people on their phones or, worse yet, sleeping.

Engage your audience by centering your message around a compelling story. People love personal stories, especially when it includes a lesson that applies to them.

If your talk is more of a “how-to,” break down the steps into an easy to remember system. If you can name the system with a catchy acronym based on each step, even better.

No matter what style you use, make sure your message solves a problem for anyone who hears it. You can even tease it in your open, as in: “Today, you’re going to learn how to pay off your credit card debt in half the time, even if you’re living paycheck-to-paycheck.”  

Start Speaking Wherever You Are

Ever dream of speaking to a sold-out conference with thousands present in the audience?

You can do it, but start small first. Speak at local events, even if it’s for free.  What’s important is to get your message out there.

Get feedback and hone your message. Each time you speak, pay attention to audience response to discover your best moments and any weak spots which need improvement.

Consider joining Toastmasters International or National Speakers Association, which offer you a chance to improve your public speaking talents and get valuable feedback. These organizations offer accreditation, which can add credibility to your profile as you begin submitting to speak at events.

Practice feeding off the crowd, work out the kinks in your delivery and avoid common public speaking quirks which can doom any speech.

Expand at Home. Then Speak Abroad

After a while, your speech will become a perfectly-crafted presentation. You’ll appear confident on stage and audiences will be fully engaged.

Around this time, someone will likely approach you and ask you to speak to their company, or at a conference or seminar. And they’ll pay you for your efforts. Congratulations, this is when your professional speaking career begins.

Apply to speak at as many conferences as you can. If you get rejections, don’t worry. Rejections come with the territory as most conferences get more applications than they have open speaking spots. Each year you speak it will be easier to book engagements as most event planners like to hire speakers who have spoken before.

To improve your odds of getting hired internationally, become fluent in another language. Many nations around the world know English, but if you can communicate in their native tongue, your odds of landing the gig improve.

The Bottom Line About Becoming an International Speaker

Embarking on a career as an international speaker requires a long-term view. It may be hard and time-consuming to learn another language, but it can also set you up for a long successful career.

Renowned speaker Brian Tracy learned to speak German, a skill which propelled him to 10-15 paid speaking engagements every year in Germany. 

If you’re hard working and adept at crafting simple, engaging and problem-solving speeches, you can enjoy a rewarding international speaking career.

If you enjoyed this article, please check out more content about public speaking on our blog.

the digital entrepreneur

What It Takes To Be The Digital Entrepreneur that Dominates 2019

Dec 14, 2018

The way we do business is rapidly changing. According to Forbes, 82% of business enterprises plan to adopt a digital-first business strategy in the coming year. 

The online terrain is still new territory for many business owners and entrepreneurs. This means with the right knowledge and skills in your repertoire, you can climb past the competition and ascend to digital success. 

But what does it take to be the digital entrepreneur that will dominate the coming year? Read on, and I’ll discuss the skills and tactics you’ll need to know to win big in 2019. 

Stay Flexible & Be Ready To Pivot

Online trends change at a rapid pace, and true digital entrepreneurs need to be quick on their feet in order to keep up. 

The way consumers interact online, and what they turn to the web for, changes rapidly. Keeping an eye on the pulse of the web and being able to move with changes quickly can make all the difference in digital business. 

Keeping your business flexible and open to new ideas can help you take advantage of sudden opportunities. It can also make sure you avoid being crippled and left behind by the changing of the digital tides. No one wants to end up like Vine, FilmStruck, or a variety of other quickly shuttered digital companies. 

Get The Word Out 

The power of a business in the 20th century lay in how many physical assets a company had. The number of offices, land, and employees were all a mark of dominance in most industries. 

Today, size is more of a liability than a strength, limiting flexibility and function. Instead, digital assets and connectivity rule the game. Grow your e-mail list, your social media followers, and establish yourself on many different platforms and networks. 

The more you can make yourself present in the eyes of the consumer, the more powerful you’ll be. These days, quick, fluid and innovative thinking can do that a lot better than the brute force of size and stature. So a lack of budget is no excuse

Plan For Scalability

Take a look at some of the most successful digital leaders in the world. Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg, for example. What do their businesses have in common (besides some questionable ethical issues)? 

They were able to expand from niche markets out into ever increasing forms of profitability. Bezos’ Amazon started as an online bookstore and now provides, well, just about everything. Zuckerberg started with a niche customer base, college-aged Harvard students, and expanded out across the whole world. 

Be ready for growth. If you’ve already had a strong year behind you, begin the new one by finding the next step for your company. Is there a service that you aren’t providing but could, or an audience you aren’t reaching for but might want to? 

And most importantly, if such opportunities present themselves, have you properly planned for such changes? 

Become The Digital Entrepreneur of 2019

Opportunities come and go quickly in the digital world.

If your hope is to become the digital entrepreneur that dominates the next year, you’ll need to stay nimble, hustle, and follow the advice above. With a little luck, you can end this next year as the envy of all your entrepreneurial peers. 

Need more business advice? Check out my blog for more essential tips and tricks. 

entrepreneurial tips

Why Every Successful Business Leader Needs Entrepreneurial Tips From A Business Coach

Dec 7, 2018

Like the millions of other entrepreneurs out there, you have a vision for your business. Your entrepreneurial spirit and innovative thinking have inspired you to start a business.

A great idea and a vision aren’t the only ingredients for business success, as you probably already know. It takes determination, strategy, and know-how. That’s why you’re looking for entrepreneurial tips.

That’s where a business coach comes in. No matter where you are on your business journey, entrepreneurship coaching helps you take the next step.

What a Business Coach Does

What does a business coach do? Many entrepreneurs and business leaders ask themselves this question. The short answer is a business coach gives you tips and advice to help you succeed.

Some entrepreneurs think they already know everything there is to know. What insight could a business coach give them?

Other business leaders feel a bit ashamed about needing to ask for help. You shouldn’t be afraid to admit you don’t know everything. Asking for guidance is one of the wisest things an entrepreneur can do.

Knowing where you can turn is another skill in your entrepreneurial toolkit.

What a Business Coach Can do for You

An entrepreneurship coach does more than dole out sage advice when you ask a question. They’ll help you analyze every aspect of your business, from strategy to operations.

They can even help you analyze yourself. You’re likely aware of your own strengths as a leader, but what about your weaknesses? A coach can help you tune in to areas for improvement.

When you sign up for entrepreneurial coaching, you’ve also asked someone to hold you accountable. If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you like to dream big. A coach will challenge you to back those dreams up.

Clarify Goals and Find Motivation

A business coach is going to challenge you to think more concretely as well. They’ll ask you to pin down your goals. What do you want?

They can also help you find motivation. Running your own business or building an enterprise from the ground up is hard work. It’s easy to get stuck.

The coach can ask the tough questions and give you coaching tips to get you unstuck. They’ll ask you to re-evaluate your beliefs. There might be something holding you back.

Entrepreneurial Tips for Competitive Advantages

Your business is unique, and you need to communicate why. An entrepreneurial coach will help you recognize your core values. In essence, they’ll give you the tools you need to define your business.

In today’s competitive market, that’s a huge advantage. So is having someone holding you accountable. The business coach keeps you on track, which helps you reach those crystal-clear goals you set.

Your coach’s keen insight and experience will give you the guidance you need to succeed.

Get on the Fast Track to Success

Whether you just started up or you want to grow, the entrepreneurial tips from a business coach will help.

Give yourself a leg up on your competition by working with a coach.

If you’re looking for more great advice about starting or growing your own business, take a look around the blog. You’ll find plenty of tips designed to inspire.