5 Ways Backlogs Can Be the Death Of Your Company

Apr 12, 2017

Tech entrepreneurs are busy. However, you do not want to fall behind on your work. You want to make sure you are not getting backlogged. Tech entrepreneurs are already busy. Having a backlog of work will create more stress and make you even busier. This could very well be fatal to you and your company.

  1. Backlogs will burn you out.

You getting stressed out is the worse thing for your company. You need to be able to keep your company energetic and enthusiastic to get the work done. If you are stressed out, then you won’t be able to do the work properly, creating more backlog. You will not be able to achieve your short-term goals or meet your deadlines if you have a backlog. You’ll be running late to everything and stressing out, making you unfit for the job you created.

2. Backlogs will burn out your employees.

You do not want your employees getting tired and stressed out. Late nights happen, but having them all the time because you are constantly trying to catch up on work is not acceptable. Take care of those who work for you. Make sure they are getting breaks at reasonable intervals, and rotate your employees so that the same people are not working all the time. If your employees can’t work properly, then the company isn’t working. You may have started it, but the employees keep it running. Don’t let them get stuck with backlog. Keep up on your deadlines and short-term goals, and celebrate accomplishments with them.

3. Backlogs burn out your resources.

Backlogs create a rush. Rushing around uses up all of your current resources, not giving you time in between each project to replenish them. There is a lot of work that goes into what you do. Whether that is ink and paper for printing, venues to host events or finances, it will all eventually run out if you are constantly using them without allowing for breaks. Without the proper resources, your company will not be able to function or complete its projects properly.

4. Backlogs burn out your clients.

If you are a business that takes clients, then backlogs will destroy your company. You don’t ever want to have deadlines pass without having completed and turned in the work. Your clients only have so much patience, and they will only give so much grace. Eventually, it will get to the point when your client will leave you and go to someone else. A decrease in clients is a decrease in income. Lower income means a lower pay.

5. Backlogs burn out your ideas. 

When you have a backlog of projects, you, your coworkers and your employees will run through ideas to try to catch up and get them done. It will only stress you out, make you tired and give you no desire to complete your job. Do not let backlogs build up or you will lose motivation and inspiration. These two things are vital for any company to stay on its feet.

Do not let backlogs build up. They will only damage your company and lower your morale. If you honor your customers and respect your employees, then a backlogs should never happen. Keep up to date on your work, and, if you can, get ahead. Never let yourself fall behind because that will lead to a chain of disasters that can be avoided. Stay organized, and keep your tasks written down. It is possible to run a business without building a backlog.

4 Reasons Every Business Should Hire From the Top Down

Apr 9, 2017

If you own a small business, and you’re looking to expand, then you must be looking to hire some people. As a tech entrepreneur, this is a great opportunity to look for people who have the potential to grow within the company and to help make the company grow. That is exactly how you should choose who to hire. You don’t want to hire people when you are in a rush or panicked. Take your time, and look at each individual candidate for hire. Analyze their potential within the company, and if they have the skills you are looking for, hire from the top down.

1. Hiring from the top down helps you hire people with similar goals.

Hiring people with similar goals is important. If they do not have similar goals, then it will create confusion within the company. Hiring someone who is like-minded will help build up and improve the company rather than create confusion. You will want to hire someone who can encourage you toward and help you achieve those goals.

2. Hiring from the top down will help you find people are committed.

If the people you hire are not committed, then your projects will take longer to complete. You will want to hire enthusiastic people. People who are enthusiastic will remind you of why you’re doing what your doing and will encourage you to keep going. Committed people will help keep up the moral of the team and  negativity out of the work space.

3. Hiring from the top down helps you find specific people to fill your need.

Look for people with specific skill sets. Know who you want and what you want them to do. If you aren’t specific, then you’ll go through a long training process. Training isn’t bad, but if you have a short term goal coming up, then you will need to be specific. You need to find people who can jump right into the project without holding the company back.

4. Hiring from the top down will help you create a team with the same mindset.

You want a team with the same beliefs and core values. If the people you hire do not hold to the same core values that you do or that the company does, then it will create dissension within the team. A group of people working together need to see eye to eye. If they don’t, then it is much easier for arguments to break out. If the team is arguing, then work isn’t getting done, and the project is being delayed. Know your core values, and hire people who agree with them.

If you’re looking to expand your company, go for it. As a tech entrepreneur, you should keep in mind the hiring process and be specific. Hiring from the top down may take a little longer than just hiring the first people who apply. However, hiring from the top down helps you find people who are fit for the job and take little to no training. Know your coworkers and employees. They represent the company, so you want to make sure you are hiring people who can do so well.

5 Situations When You Should Fire Your Client

Feb 20, 2017

There is lots of material out there written about how to maintain a healthy client relationship, but very little written on when to let go of a stubborn or uncooperative client. Of course, the first thing you want to do is try and resolve any issue that might be steering you towards terminating your client relationship. However, when your client’s demands or habits go from occasionally being difficult to interfering with you or your employee’s health and wealth, it’s time to really look and see if they are a perfect fit.Continue Reading

The Difference Between a Business Owner And An Employee

Jan 13, 2017

Starting a business is a lucrative option more and more people are choosing to explore as a career path. The potential benefits are outstanding, but people often misunderstand all of the responsibilities that come with owning a business. Earning potential and flexible schedules are the main benefits generally associated with entrepreneurship. However, a business owner’s money and time are subject to risk and fluctuation, a departure from the stability and security of being an employee. The rewards of entrepreneurship often outweigh the risks, but it is a lifestyle that will require a certain mindset and skill set to do successfully.

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5 Simple Tricks to Keep your Staff Happy and Productive

Dec 30, 2016

The performance of your staff is essential to the success of your business. Dealing with a diverse group of people, with different skill sets and roles can be challenging. I have always felt that a productive staff is a happy staff, and a valued staff is a loyal staff. Here are some things I have implemented to increase the effectiveness of my staff, as well as their well being in the workplace.

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Secrets to Staying Focused on Your Business

Dec 12, 2016

Distractions can be the death of your entrepreneurial endeavors. The digital age has opened countless opportunities to grow and expand your business, but it has also opened a huge number of possible distractions. Looking beyond the screens in your life, there are also numerous aspects of your life that can negatively affect your focus on your business, and some of them may surprise you.
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What to Do if You Want to End a Business Partnership

Sep 5, 2016

If you aren’t sure it’s time to end your business venture, I wrote another post that can help you out: 6 Signs It’s Time to Cut Business Ties.

First off, I’m not an advocate for ending business relationships if they can, and should be salvaged. But I also know first hand what it’s like to drag and partnership on and on that should have been ended earlier. It’s no fun for anyone.

So you have decided to end the business partnership, what do you do now?
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6 Signs It’s Time to Cut Business Ties

Aug 5, 2016

I get opportunities to speak to business owners all over the world. My focus is how you can build a business you aren’t trapped in, that enable you to have the life you want. It’s about life and business transformation. One common problem people have is partners who make life difficult. This is no fun for anyone. So what do you do?
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Loving What You Do For Work

May 5, 2016

I have talked with people who are unhappy about some part of work/life. If this applies to you, then this post will help you consider how you can change that.

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