How You Can Become A Great Public Speaker (Even If You Hate Public Speaking)

Feb 26, 2020

If there’s one thing that gets people’s guard up in an instant it’s public speaking. It’s estimated that three out of four individuals have speech anxiety and you’ve probably heard about folks being more afraid of public speaking than of death.

It doesn’t matter if you’re speaking about how to succeed in business or how to start an entrepreneurship blog or how to start a business or you’re talking about yourself, public speaking can be a chore and it can affect a career. On average, those who have speech anxiety make about 10% less than those who don’t.

But if you’re someone who has a propensity for public speaking, there’s a lot that can be gained from mastering a skill like that. You never know, you may even be able to turn that into a business. If you don’t believe it’s possible, think about famous self-help gurus or speakers or even politicians. Yes, those folks usually have an angle they’re trying to push, but they can command attention.

Even if you have a deep fear of public speaking, you can become a paid international speaker. How is that possible? These tips can help you make that happen:

  • Practice: The old cliché “practice makes perfect applies to a lot of things, but it especially applies to public speaking. If you’re talking about an entrepreneurship blog or offering self-help tips, you need to work and work and work at what you want to say and how you want to say it. This is backed up by research, which suggestions that the best presentations are 38% your voice, 55% non-verbal communication and only 7% of your content.
  • Keep the message simple: Let’s say you’re an expert on how to start an entrepreneurship blog or how to succeed as a tech entrepreneur. That’s great that you’ve got all that knowledge, but if you’re communicating to an audience, you need to keep the message simple. Why? Audiences need to hear, digest and retain your message. You don’t want to bore people right out of the gate and you don’t want to leave anything important out. By whittling information down to its core principles, this will make it easier to relate to an audience.
  • Have a plan: Depending on the content of your message, you’re likely going to need something of a mental road map to make you present all pertinent information. If you need to, keep note cards handy or even a notepad with bullet points. Think about what you’re trying to accomplish in your speech. What do you want the audience to remember? Knowing what you want to say in the order you need to say it will help you stay focused and composed up on the stage.
  • Show some personality and passion: The best public speakers have a great speaking ability, but the reason so many of them are so good (and you can be too) is by letting your personality and passion into what you do. How do you do that? You do that by telling some jokes or some personal stories that help illustrate some of the broader points you’re trying to make. If you’ve got a great story you can open with and a great one to close with, you’ll have the audience eating out of your hand.
    So if you’re passionate for example about entrepreneurship, let that shine through. Talk to folks interested in business about the benefits of reading entrepreneurship blogs and educated themselves about how they can succeed. It’s estimated that 69% of American entrepreneurs start businesses at home so you might be able to give a speech about succeed in business from the comfort of your couch.
  • Make a connection: If you’re trying to become a successful paid speaker, the best thing you can each and every time you speak is to make connections. You don’t have to prove to audiences that you’re smart. You need to prove that you can communicate and make them listen. Relax and show you’re an audience that you’re relatable, approachable and engaging.

Becoming a successful public speaker or doesn’t happen overnight, but with practice and persistence, you can become a fantastic speaker with a message that makes people listen.

How to Conquer Your Fear of Public Speaking

Nov 14, 2019

As a tech entrepreneur, it’s common to have some sort of anxiety tied to the thought of public speaking. In fact, three out of four individuals suffer from speech anxiety. It can feel crippling but with dedication and much practice, anyone can improve.

Effective communication can lead to new opportunities and professional connections. For a tech entrepreneur, this holds especially true. Thankfully, there are several ways to ease your nerves before delivering a speech to a small or large crowd. With consistent practice, you can become a strong public speaker in no time.

Find a Local Meetup Group:

It’s a great idea to get familiar with local meetup groups that focus on public speaking. You can attend and observe at first, then eventually work your way up to presenting something. Interest groups are a great way to improve in a supportive environment.

Let Family and Friends Critique You

If starting your journey presenting to total strangers scares you, that’s okay; try to practice speaking in front of family or friends instead. Choose attentive loved ones so you can gather insightful feedback. If gathering a large group is nearly impossible for you, then prepare a speech and video record yourself. Acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses without judging yourself too harshly. Use that feedback to improve with each recording. Be sure to take note of anything that can be distracting for the viewer.

Prepare Strong Talking Points

Begin by discussing topics that you’re most passionate about. The audience will resonate with your authenticity and be able to instantly connect with you. It’s important to develop strong talking points in your speech that you can be confident in. Consider creative ways to apply what inspires you and motivates you. This is a great time for the digital entrepreneurs to dig deep and utilize their many available resources.

Practice, Practice, and More Practice!

Rehearse your speech until it becomes familiar. Don’t be afraid to make any necessary modifications. If you’re uncomfortable with something — or just can’t seem to grasp the delivery — move a few sentences around or omit it altogether. Revisions can help drastically improve the flow of your speech. Knowing that you’re capable of delivering your speech can help to ease anxiousness on your big day.

Don’t Let a Mistake Define Your Speech

Don’t get hung up on any hiccups or mistakes when you give your presentation. Remember that the audience is human, too. Not even paid international speakers always have a perfect delivery. Stay focused on successfully delivering your message while you have the audience’s attention. A great speech can’t be ruined by a mistake unless you allow it to be, so muscle through it! You can acknowledge your mistake in a joking manner if you feel it’ll help you comfortably move forward.

As a tech entrepreneur, you’ve already overcome various obstacles. For more advice on how to become a tech entrepreneur, rely on Rafferty Pendery today.

international public speaker

Top Tips for Becoming and International Public Speaker

Nov 8, 2019

As far as common entrepreneur mistakes go, failing to develop yourself as a public speaker is near the top. Lawyers, in particular, have a high propensity towards speaking anxiety. Between 58% and 64% of lawyers are introverts and this could be costing them money.

This is because those who are paid the most are often the best at communicating. And when you’re trying to make it as an entrepreneur or paid international speaker, your ability to communicate effectively is especially important.

To help you become or excel as an international public speaker, read the following tips.

Know Your Audience

Anytime you’re speaking before an audience, there’s usually a specific reason. You should always know who you are speaking to and what they expect or need out of the presentation. If you’re hosting a corporate event, teach and inspire them. It’s imperative to understand the demographics of your audience as an international public speaker.

Rehearse, Rehearse, and Rehearse Again

Things only become muscle memory if you practice them relentlessly. Anytime you have a big speech scheduled, it’s incredibly important that you practice every single day leading up to the date. Prepare your goals and content well in advance. The great thing is, you can practice just about anywhere: in the car, on a jog, or on the plane as you fly to your speaking destination.

international public speaker

Choose a Style That Works for You (and Stick With It)

It’s true that different events will call for a different style or approach. In some cases, something as basic as reading a prepared speech is acceptable. But if you wish to make it big as an international public speaker, it’s important to find your groove and stay in it. Figure out what makes you tick as a communicator and play to your strengths. Develop a vibrant brand so anyone catching even a glimpse of your presentation recognizes your unique flare.

Always Test the Sound Equipment

Few things are more frustrating (or terrifying, in some cases) as last-minute technical issues. To avoid this potential for stress, always conduct a last-minute sound check before the event starts. Make sure all audio and visual setups function ahead of time. And always make sure to have backup systems in place in case the main systems fail.

Welcome Every Opportunity to Speak

Great international public speakers don’t become great by talking to their mirrors (although speaking in front of a mirror is excellent for practicing). The best speakers practice in public by accepting every possible opportunity to speak. If your boss asks you to make a brief presentation, say yes. If your friend invites you to speak at her wedding, agree to do it. Take every chance that comes your way to speak to an audience.

Consider Slowing Down

Everyone expects the speaker to be a little bit nervous when they walk onto a stage, but few things are such a dead giveaway of inner nervousness than racing through your words. If you want to leave a meaningful impact on your listeners, err towards speaking too slowly rather than speaking too fast. This is partly because you want them to understand you and it’s hard to speak clearly and quickly at the same time. But besides that, taking your time with your words gives each statement more weight than it would have if you seemed nervous or in a hurry.

Make Eye Contact

This is one of the most important tips on this list and it always applies, no matter how large or small your audience may be. During your presentation, make eye contact with as many people as possible. This establishes a valuable connection with your audience and makes audience members feel as if you’re speaking directly to them. Be careful to not just exclusively make eye contact with the people in the front row. Show the back rows some attention, too.

Take Long Pauses

Just as you should make it a point to speak slowly and clearly, you should also make long pauses now and then. In fact, make them longer than you feel may be appropriate. This has an incredible impact on emphasizing important points. It also allows you to connect with the emotions of your audience members.

From slowing down during your presentations to taking up any opportunity to speak, these are some of the best tips for speakers.

public speaker

4 Ways to Excel as a Public Speaker

Sep 12, 2019

Did you know that lawyers, of whom up to 64% are introverts, tend to experience speaking anxiety?

That may come as a surprise, as we all think of lawyers as excellent public speakers. But it’s just one more indicator that powerful speakers aren’t born that way; they train themselves to speak with precision and impact.

Below you’ll find four proven tips for entrepreneurs to excel as a public speaker.

1. Don’t Imitate Your Favorite Speakers

Every artist has an idol, and every up-and-coming speaker has a specific person whose speaking prowess they particularly admire. However, it’s all too easy to let this admiration for our favorite speakers turn into mimicking them when we should be finding our own voice, style, and niche.

What we fail to realize is that the thing we find most fascinating about a speaker is not the way they speak. It’s not in the way they carry themselves or how they address a room. We’re drawn to powerful speakers because of the authenticity.

And by patterning your style after that of another speaker, you’re losing your own authenticity. And if you think no one will notice, think again. Sincerity and genuineness aren’t qualities we can easily describe, but we definitely know it when they aren’t there.

So by all means, learn from your favorite international public speakers. Study their movements, their manner, and the way they speak, if you want to. But let these insights about great speakers inspire you to develop your own presence, your own voice, and your own message. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you can act someone else’s part better than your own.

2. Practice Mindfulness in Public

If you get on stage and you aren’t 100% present with your audience, they’ll start to notice. Your eyes might wander at random. Your facial expressions might be delayed by a split second. Things like this are signs that you’re stuck inside your head and you aren’t really focused on your audience, the room, or the purpose of your presentation.

On the other hand, your audience members can read facial expressions in as little as seventeen milliseconds and they can tell you’re distracted or nervous.

Instead of trying to ignore distracting thoughts or squelch feelings of nervousness, channel that nervous energy into your speech by focusing completely on the moment. Be present. Be mindful of your audience and how they’re responding to your words.

One way to get over being stuck in your head is to practice mindfulness, especially when you’re in public. Try focusing on your breath while you’re surrounded by distractions. Notice the colors, shapes, and faces in your environment when you’re out and about.

3. Accept the Discomfort and Negative Feelings

Feeling uncomfortable or negative is a natural part of life and it can be especially frequent and distracting when you’re a public speaker. But if we dwell on those feelings, we risk letting them hinder our performance.

It also doesn’t help to try and ignore or resist the negative feelings when they come. If anything, that just tends to make them more forceful. Instead, just accept the negativity and discomfort when it shows up. Recognize that we’re all subject to unpleasant feelings once in a while, and even though you face them more than most people would because of the intensity of your profession, they will pass.

4. Be Conversational

When you’re talking to a friend about a subject you’re interested in, it’s easy to go on for hours without even knowing it. In conversation, your message has a natural flow to it because you aren’t trying to impress your friend. You’re just trying to convey an idea that you love.

You should approach your audience in a similar manner. If you’re trying to give a formulated speech according to a strict system, it’s likely to come out feeling stilted and unnatural, and you’ll be more prone to mistakes. However, if you approach your audience with warmth, love, and a desire to convey your idea with passion and clarity, your speech will flow with a naturalness and ease that will surprise everyone. It may even surprise you.

Follow these tips and you could become a highly paid international speaker.

Public Speaking Mistakes Even Extroverts Can Make

Apr 17, 2019

The fear of public speaking is deeply ingrained in the psyches of many budding entrepreneurs. But even if you’re confident in front of a crowd, you may still fall victim to some of the most common public speaking mistakes that plague young professionals.

Whether you’re a lawyer or an entrepreneur, practice avoiding these public speaking pitfalls before you stand up in front of a crowd.

Speaking too softly

It’s common for public speakers to rely on only the boom of the mic to express their message. Unfortunately, speakers might not realize they’re speaking too softly until it’s too late. Emblazon your presentation with passion and drive in order to make your message hit home. This includes projecting your voice, with or without a microphone. Practice by standing up straight, pushing out your chest, and speaking from your diaphragm, not your throat. This will ensure that you are heard whether you’re using a microphone or not.

Finishing on a dull note

This is a trap even the most experienced public speakers can fall into. Without a proper takeaway action, your audience members want to know what to do following your presentation. If your audience leaves wondering “now what?” then you need to go back to the drawing board.

Correct these common entrepreneur mistakes by asking your audience to take action after your presentation. Do you want your audience to change their lives? Improve their surroundings? Like your page on Facebook? Giving them an action item will give them direction following a powerful presentation.

Failing to rehearse beforehand

The key to public speaking is sounding confident and assured. If you’re stumbling over your words or stuttering on stage, your audience’s attention will assuredly falter. According to market research, what you say is not nearly as important as how you say it. It’s estimated that a presentation’s effectiveness is 38% voice, 55% non-verbal cues, and 7% content. This makes practicing your speech beforehand vital.

Practicing can help you ensure that your body is doing what you want it to do when you want to do it. Rehearsing will help you get your timing just right, stop nervous tics from happening, and identify points of emphasis throughout your presentation. These entrepreneur mistakes can be hard to correct, but they can be mitigated with practice.

Whether you’re a tech entrepreneur or an international public speaker, avoiding issues with public speaking are among the most common entrepreneur mistakes. The next time you want to wow a crowd, rely on Rafferty Pendery’s entrepreneurship blog for more information.

international speaker

The Top Qualities Excellent International Speakers Need To Embody

Apr 15, 2019

The best tech entrepreneurs know more than just how to run their business and sell their products. They also know how to speak. With three out of four people suffering from speech anxiety, combining acute business acumen with effective public speaking is easier said than done. While you won’t be able to become a renowned international speaker overnight, you can start by knowing what qualities it takes. Discover the top qualities of international public speakers and you will soon be on the way to embodying these characteristics yourself.

Focusing on the message, not the money

While becoming a paid international speaker wouldn’t be a bad thing for most people, it shouldn’t be the driving force behind you getting on stage. If you’re mostly concentrated on what you can get out of the endeavor, you won’t be putting your efforts behind your message and that will show. Without a good message, you’ll never make that coveted cash or grow your business in any way.

Effectively marketing yourself

Once you feel like you’ve nailed the right message, you need to have the initiative to start promoting yourself. Add “speaker” on all of your social media profiles and build a website specifically for this role. To position yourself as a trustworthy source, you’ll want to constantly release content by blogging, making videos, and writing guest posts for other sites. Remember to also talk to others in person about your speaking engagements. Even in this tech-driven world, word of mouth can still be a very effective marketing tool.

Constantly Improve Your Speaking Skills

All of your other efforts will be useless if you can’t capture audiences with your speaking skills. Even if you think that your skills are pretty good, it can be worthwhile to hire a speaking coach and read professional resources on effective public speaking. You can also record yourself giving a speech and watch it to observe your body language, hand gestures, and speaking habits. This may feel strange, but this strategy makes it easy for you to spot places where you can improve.

Being an international speaker can present you with many opportunities, both for yourself and for your business. Contact Rafferty Pendery to find out more about how you can start your journey today.

International speaker

How to Become an International Speaker (Even if You’re Afraid of Public Speaking)

Feb 11, 2019

If you’re terrified of public speaking, you aren’t alone. For many people just the thought of getting up in front of a crowd causes anxiety. 

In fact, fear of public speaking is regarded as the number one biggest fear in the United States. Heights, bugs, and drowning are no match for the fear many people have when it comes to public speaking. 

But it is possible to overcome your fear of public speaker and become a great international speaker. Too many people believe they are just not cut out for public speaking so give up trying. 

The truth is, you can be afraid and still succeed. Here’s how to perfect the craft of public speaking. 

Shake Hands With The Fear 

First things first: It’s natural to be afraid of public speaking. Many people generate more fear and anxiety by judging their feelings and trying to stuff them. 

But since many people fear public speaking, it is not abnormal to be afraid. As Nelson Mandella said, “The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”

Allow yourself to be afraid, acknowledge those feelings, and move on. The first step in overcoming the fear of public speaking is actually giving yourself permission to be afraid. 

Get In Touch With Your Body 

Have you ever rehearsed a presentation over and over again and mastered the material? Sometimes it seems the more you practice, the more you generate the fear of public speaking.

What’s even worse is that it doesn’t work. The great international speaker doesn’t get that way by rote memorization. 

Instead, practice your body language. How does your body feel and respond when you are relaxed? 

If you can practice your posture, your gestures, your walking and talking style you are well on your way to becoming a better speaker. 

The secret is in practicing how you say things, not just what you say. 

Practice How You Feel 

You want to be a better speaker and overcome your fear. But do you know where and how you feel fear in your body when you speak?

Just as important: Do you know how you would feel without that fear? And how would your body feel if you were giving a great and engaging presentation

Just as practicing your body language is important, so is practicing your feelings. Meditating on the feelings you would have while giving a great talk are as important as focusing on content. 

Practice Makes Perfect for The International Speaker 

If you are scared to death of public speaking it is something you probably avoid at all costs. But part of overcoming the fear of speaking is practicing. 

You will find the results are different and you are a better international speaker if you work on the above recommendations. 

Rather than running from the chance to give a talk, it is time to run toward the opportunity. 

Start locally and move internationally. Find out more now about how to become more comfortable with public speaking. 

international speaker

Listen Up: How You, Too, Can Become An International Speaker

Dec 14, 2018

Are you considering turning your knowledge and expertise into paid speaking engagements?

If you’re passionate about sharing what you know, public speaking may be your calling.

But how do you get started? How do you get paid to speak at events around the world?

That’s the subject of today’s blog, as we examine the exact steps you need to take to become a professional international speaker.

Step 1: Start With the Message

If you want to be in demand around the world, your message needs to appeal to people everywhere. People attend speaking engagements to connect to the speaker and the message and to learn something applicable to their lives. To that end, your message must resonate with people of all cultures.

Your message also needs to be about something so important to you that you feel you must share it. Feeling strong about getting your message out is what’s going to carry you through those long travel days and extended periods away from home.

Simplify Your Message to a System or Story

Here’s a reality of public speaking in the 21st century. Audiences have short attention spans and if you lose them, you may look out and find people on their phones or, worse yet, sleeping.

Engage your audience by centering your message around a compelling story. People love personal stories, especially when it includes a lesson that applies to them.

If your talk is more of a “how-to,” break down the steps into an easy to remember system. If you can name the system with a catchy acronym based on each step, even better.

No matter what style you use, make sure your message solves a problem for anyone who hears it. You can even tease it in your open, as in: “Today, you’re going to learn how to pay off your credit card debt in half the time, even if you’re living paycheck-to-paycheck.”  

Start Speaking Wherever You Are

Ever dream of speaking to a sold-out conference with thousands present in the audience?

You can do it, but start small first. Speak at local events, even if it’s for free.  What’s important is to get your message out there.

Get feedback and hone your message. Each time you speak, pay attention to audience response to discover your best moments and any weak spots which need improvement.

Consider joining Toastmasters International or National Speakers Association, which offer you a chance to improve your public speaking talents and get valuable feedback. These organizations offer accreditation, which can add credibility to your profile as you begin submitting to speak at events.

Practice feeding off the crowd, work out the kinks in your delivery and avoid common public speaking quirks which can doom any speech.

Expand at Home. Then Speak Abroad

After a while, your speech will become a perfectly-crafted presentation. You’ll appear confident on stage and audiences will be fully engaged.

Around this time, someone will likely approach you and ask you to speak to their company, or at a conference or seminar. And they’ll pay you for your efforts. Congratulations, this is when your professional speaking career begins.

Apply to speak at as many conferences as you can. If you get rejections, don’t worry. Rejections come with the territory as most conferences get more applications than they have open speaking spots. Each year you speak it will be easier to book engagements as most event planners like to hire speakers who have spoken before.

To improve your odds of getting hired internationally, become fluent in another language. Many nations around the world know English, but if you can communicate in their native tongue, your odds of landing the gig improve.

The Bottom Line About Becoming an International Speaker

Embarking on a career as an international speaker requires a long-term view. It may be hard and time-consuming to learn another language, but it can also set you up for a long successful career.

Renowned speaker Brian Tracy learned to speak German, a skill which propelled him to 10-15 paid speaking engagements every year in Germany. 

If you’re hard working and adept at crafting simple, engaging and problem-solving speeches, you can enjoy a rewarding international speaking career.

If you enjoyed this article, please check out more content about public speaking on our blog.

conference speaker

What You Need to Know to Become a Great Conference Speaker

Oct 15, 2018

No matter the industry you’re in, chances are you’ve been to a few conferences in your life.

You’ve probably gone all over the country for trade shows and likely have a few international business trips under your belt, too. Or, maybe you’re just getting started and dreaming about all of these experiences. Here’s an interesting thought to consider: why attend the top conferences in your industry if you can one day headline them?

Imagine yourself up on stage as the main conference speaker to kickoff or wrap-up an event. Think about what it would feel like to become an authority in the market and use your knowledge to empower hundreds or thousands of people listening to your speech.

Don’t psych yourself out if you’re not sure you have this in you.

All you need are the following 5 traits to be a great conference speaker.

1. Confidence

Conference speakers are the kind of people who know how to get attention when they walk into a room. They have a commanding voice and use engaging body language on stage, but they also know how to carry themselves in small groups and one on one conversations.

They’re fully aware of who they are, what their purpose is, and the value they can offer their audience. They’re also not full of themselves, though. Every great conference speaker knows how to listen just as well as they can speak their mind and be articulate.

2. Expertise

It’s one thing to speak your mind when sharing an opinion and another to be able to give in-depth explanations and theories. This is a big difference between amateur conference speakers and those who have honed their craft.

You need to be able to share something new, interesting, and exciting whenever you step on stage. You need to be thinking ahead of the curve while supporting your findings/ideals with data.

Put simply, you really need to know your stuff.

3. Emotional Awareness

Having expertise on a certain subject is what gives all your speeches/appearances credibility. But, emotional awareness is a fundamental part of the delivery.

Emotional awareness completes what you’re trying to say by sharing it in a way that people are highly receptive to. You need this to be able to read a room when introducing yourself to a crowd. It’s what gets their initial attention and keeps them engaged whether you’re speaking for 5 minutes or a whole hour.

4. Authenticity

Being emotionally aware is not the same as being authentic.

You can be aware of the room and the receptiveness of others and still come off closed-off and unapproachable. You should try to present yourself in a way that’s friendly and understanding every time you’re on stage. You want the audience to know that you relate to them and that you have information that they can relate with, too.

5. Practice

The best conference speakers only became the best after years of practice and experience. This is not something you can master overnight. It’s a profession that will always challenge you to learn more and try new things.

You’ll have to use different approaches to speak to a crowd of 100 than one of 1,000. You have to learn how to craft a presentation that can be given to a wide variety of professionals, but also how to create unique, brilliant speeches.

It’s a never-ending process. You’ll always be practicing your skills as a conference speaker, and you should never get one stage without running through a presentation a few times beforehand.

From the Boardroom to the Big Leagues: Become the Conference Speaker You’re Meant to Be

If you get a thrill when giving presentations to the people at your company, you need to start thinking beyond the boardroom. You don’t always have to be the person who punches the clock and works to build someone else’s success.

You can create your own success as a conference speaker. You can transform your work life and enhance your overall quality of life, but you have to be willing to put in the effort to become the best speaker possible.

For entrepreneurship tips and tricks to help you do so, click here.

conference speaker

What to Look for in a Conference Speaker for Your Next Conference

Oct 8, 2018


Are you looking for the best speakers for your next big conference?

If this is your first event, you should carefully choose the people that’ll represent your message and vision. The quality of the speakers can make or break your event. If you have a good selection, you’ll attract more attendees to fill up the seats.

Start by researching your audience’s needs. Go to potential speakers’ websites, social media channels, and videos to see how they deliver. Then, you can narrow down your choices.

Though quality speakers can be more expensive than less-known names, consider them a worthwhile investment.

Check out the tips below to understand what it takes to be a conference speaker and how to hire the best ones in the field.

Are They Experts in Their Field?

This one is a given, but your speakers have to know what they’re talking about beyond their script.

They should be experts in their field, with useful and valuable advice and knowledge the audience can apply in real life.

Do your research before you hire a speaker to see if they’re an authority in their profession.

Are They and Their Content Authentic?

In this digital era where everything is available for free, it’s important to have authentic speakers.

You need to deliver extra value to your audience and give them something they can’t find online or in books. This is where your speakers have to do the work and provide original content.

Nobody would pay an expensive ticket to listen to a speech already available on YouTube. Your speakers should adjust and adapt the content to your audience and without repeating themselves too much.

Do They Truly Want to Help the Audience?

Many conference organizers go out of their way to book internationally famous speakers because they think it’ll sell more tickets.

This is not always true. The speakers you hire should be willing to spread the word about the conference and actually be happy to be there. If the performance is just another job for them, you’ll be facing an unhappy audience and bad reputation.

The people attending are there to find a solution to a problem. If the speaker isn’t willing to engage with the audience and help them out, they’re not a good fit.

Are They Flexible and Reliable?

Organizing a conference takes a lot of work and your speakers are the highlight of this work. They should understand the effort it takes to host them and not be too demanding.

Some speakers are humble and don’t ask for too much but others can be complete divas. If they want special treatment or luxury accommodations, steer clear of them. They’ll end up costing you more than they’re worth. You should also make sure they don’t cancel days or hours before the conference.

Now You Know What to Look for in a Conference Speaker

Hiring a conference speaker for your next event can be challenging if you don’t know what to look for.

These tips will help you figure out what qualities your speakers should have in order to get on the stage and interact with the attendants.

They have to be knowledgeable about their topic, prepare a concise, yet impactful speech and wow the audience.

For more tips on how to organize a conference with the best speakers in the world, visit my blog. Or if you have any questions or would like to hire me to speak at your event, contact me today!

international speaker

How to Become a High-Paid International Speaker

Jun 8, 2018

Public speaking is the most common fear in the United States. However, If you’re the type who’s capable of speaking your mind without becoming overly stressed or embarrassed, then public speaking can be a great opportunity.

This is especially true if you have a great story to tell and a great way to tell it. Of course, there’s more to being an international speaker than that, and we’ll go into more detail below.

Find the Message

Before you can become a motivational speaker, you’ll have to look through the story you want to tell and find what it’s about. Sure, on some level you know what the story is about, but look deeper.

What messages are hidden there? What lessons can be learned from the story? Ideally, you’ll need to be able to boil this all down to one sentence and don’t just use an old adage. Come up with something original.

Finally, that lesson has to come with dedication. If you don’t firmly believe in what you’re saying, nobody else will, either.

Stay Positive

It doesn’t matter where you come from, whether you are an abuse survivor, a former drug addict, an ex-con, or a disabled veteran, you all have one thing in common–nobody wants to listen to you complain for an hour.

Sure, you’ve been through some horribly traumatic things, and your story is bound to be inspirational, but it’s all about the delivery. It’s perfectly fine to be somewhat dramatic, and you should definitely emphasize the importance of the issue you faced, but don’t take yourself too seriously.

Learn to laugh at things. Laughter may not be the best medicine, but it’s definitely the best therapy. Think back to a bad day, some of the worst days of your life even. You probably used humor to get through it or use humor now to keep from dwelling on it, or to help cope with it.

Start for Free

If you want to get into this business, you’ll have to offer your first speeches for free. This may seem counter-productive, but it’s necessary when you’re starting out.

Nobody is going to spend money on an unknown. It’s just a bad investment. They’ll gladly try out a speaker if it costs them nothing, and that’s how you get your foot in the door.

Once you’ve done a few free speeches, you can get reviews and testimonials from some of your clients, and that’s how you get a reputation for being a good speaker. That, ultimately, is what will make people willing to pay for you.

The Road to Becoming an International Speaker

Becoming an international speaker isn’t as complicated as it may seem. You essentially just need a good speech and message, and a good way to market them. You’ll need to start from the bottom, working as a volunteer, but soon people will begin to recognize you and vouch for you, and that’s where the paid gigs will start coming in.

If you want to learn more about how public speakers work or how to become a better one, please visit our site. If you want to hire an international speaker, and an awesome one at that, please consider Rafferty Pendery. We promise you won’t be disappointed.

International Speakers

5 Reasons Why International Speakers Inspire and Motivate Your Team

May 18, 2018

A recent study released by Gallup found that 51% of Americans are disengaged and unhappy at work.

That figure represents a massive problem for companies. After all, disengagement in the workplace is perhaps the number one detriment to productivity. It also means that your employees are likely doing nothing to try and improve processes which allows for your company to scale.

Bottom line, disengagement and distaste in a workforce mean people just going through the motions. And your workforce just going through the motions means your company is falling behind.

How then, can employers reinvigorate their staff?

One of the key methods people are turning to is hiring a motivational international speaker. International speakers are world renowned for giving speeches that inspire and get listeners back on track to being their best.

Below are 5 reasons why your company should consider investing in one.

1) Boost Fun and Energy

If your team seems like they’re stuck in a rut, a motivational international speaker may be able to help them out of it. Motivational speakers can help your employees have more faith in their abilities. They can help them visualize the amount of success they can have if they invest themselves every day in the workplace.

A motivational speaker will instill confidence in your workforce in a way that brings fun back into the office.

2) Alter Perceptions

When employees hear the same mission statement from their managers day in and day out, they often become numb to the message. A motivational speaker can flip those messages on their head and make consuming them feel exciting again.

When coming at them from a different angle, messages that felt monotonous will feel like opportunities.

3) Bring in New Ideas

A company is only as good as the ideas flowing through it. Motivational speakers can offer a perspective from other places they’ve worked within similar business niches.

They can ask questions of employees, challenge workflows, and help your team do critical, breakthrough inducing thinking.

4) Solidify Your Company’s Vision

When you or a manager is directing a group on a daily basis, it can be hard for employees to buy into “the vision” after a while. This goes back to that numbing mentioned earlier.

When a vivacious, eloquent new person comes in and repeats your messages, this leads to validity. Not only are people going to be engaged and listen to the motivational speaker you bring in but when s/he validates the direction your group is headed in, employees will buy into your company vision like never before.

5) Show You Care

Many workplaces suffer from not investing enough in their employees. This approach is sometimes due to having poor long-term vision. It can also be a byproduct of trying to cut costs.

Whatever the reason, not showing your employees that you’re invested in them will cost your business in the long run.

Getting a motivational guest speaker at an event for your business will show employees that your company has a culture that cares. It shows that you not only want them to succeed at what they’re doing today but are invested in their future dreams and professional development.

That investment will go a long way for your business.

Wrapping up the Benefits of Hiring a Motivational International Speaker

Hiring a renowned international speaker that specializes in motivating employees can bring a lot of benefits to your organization. Chiefly, it can reinvigorate your staff and help them buy back into your company’s vision.

That buy-in means a higher likelihood of getting the most out of your workforce on a daily basis.

For more information on how to get the most out of your employees and tools to solve other business problems, read more on the Rafferty Pendery blog.