There are as many as 15 million Americans that are full-time self-employed. Now more than ever it’s possible to have a career as an entrepreneur. Unfortunately, many people try and fail to make their entrepreneurial dreams a reality. It’s important to keep in mind a few key entrepreneur tips to increase your chances of success. Here’s what you need to remember to be a successful entrepreneur.


1. Don’t fear failure

raffy pendery

Many people, including Raffy Pendery, have had failures when it comes to making their business a success. Bill Gates, one of the most successful tech entrepreneurs in the world, had his first business called Traf-O-Data fail before he was successful with Microsoft. Walt Disney started a business called Laugh-O-Gram that eventually went bankrupt in two years. The point here is that you’ll probably make a lot of mistakes when it comes to starting your entrepreneurial journey. Don’t be afraid to take calculated risks and try different ideas. If some of those ideas fail, learn what caused those failures, and use it to help make your business more successful in the future.


2. Be patient


As alluded to in the point on failures, success takes time. If you’re an entrepreneur starting a business as an international public speaker, you’re not going to be speaking to an arena full of people in your first speaking engagement. Similarly, if you’re trying to be a tech entrepreneur, you’re not going to create the next Google or Microsoft overnight. It’s important to be patient and work hard on a daily basis. It’s through persistence that entrepreneurs like Bill Gates and Raffy Pendery eventually became as successful as they are today.


3. Grow your knowledge


As an entrepreneur, you’re going to be doing a lot of the work when it comes to your business. While it’s helpful sometimes to hire someone to take care of complicated tasks, it’s also good to learn how to take care of them yourself. You can find online classes to take on subjects such as graphic design or bookkeeping. With the knowledge you gain, you might save money not having to hire someone to do those tasks for you. Raffy Pendery has also mentioned the importance of mentors. They’ve been on the path you’re on now, and can provide a wealth of knowledge that can help you avoid common entrepreneur mistakes.


The number of new entrepreneurs have continued to grow in the last few years. With the rise of the internet, there are more opportunities for people to succeed in starting their own business. Keeping all of these tips in mind can help you be more likely to succeed as an entrepreneur.